Altered Broncos Clipboard

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I count it a privilege and honor to have you checking in on me here.  Today's project features 3 altered clipboards for some of my nephews.  Two of them are already late for their birthdays, so I thought I should get them done and out of here.

Orange and Blue craft paints from Joann's
Bronco stickers
Orange and Blue paper from my scrap stash
Mod Podge
Stickers from Provo Craft

Thanks for stopping by today and for taking the time to watch the video.  Check back soon for more projects, tips, and ideas.

Take time to enjoy the little things.


Beckie said…
Great clipboards.

Be blessed, Beckie
Stampin' Up Ind Demo
Lisa said…
These are so awesome, Cheri!! The clipboards look fabulous!! Have a great week :)

A Mermaid's Crafts
Rosie said…
love the clipboards pretty cool
Gloria said…
I am sure they are going to love them!!!

Precious Hugs

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