Fall Decorating - Flower Box

Now that we are rounding the corner to fall, it is time to update the decor around the house.  One of the things that I have in my new home is a small entryway.  I love this little space that has a closet on either side of the front door.  I have found that it works great to use one for winter coats and one for lighter jackets.  The best thing about this area though is the small space that just cries out to be decorated each season.

Near my new home I have found a fabulous store called Old Time Pottery.  This store makes it easy to decorate for the seasons without breaking the bank.  I don't need to add much to my fall decor as I have spent the last several years building up decorations.  However, I decided I needed a new treasure for that little corner so I was off to Old Time Pottery.

A few bunches of flowers, a couple of styrofoam blocks and a cute box later, I had what I needed to fill my corner while still be able to easily access the closet.  Now please understand that I am not trained in floral work.  I just love to have beauty around me.  When something is created out of love, you never know what beauty will follow.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Remember to take some time to enjoy the little things!


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