Going...Going...Almost Gone

Can you believe that it is almost time to retire the current Close To My Heart Seasonal Expressions Idea book?  It has some fabulous items and many of them will retire with the idea book.  You don't want to miss out.

To encourage you a little more, I am going to have a special exclusive to those of you who place an order through my Close To My Heart independent consultant online business address.  Here's how it will work:

1. Go to www.djssundries.ctmh.com
2. Join the "April Showers" gathering in the bottom left hand corner of the page.
3. Place any order
4. Sit back and relax

Everyone who places an order by April 30, 2016 will receive an entry into a drawing.  The winner of the drawing will get to be the "hostess" for the gathering and receive whatever hostess credit is available.  Can you beat that?  It's all of the benefits of hosting a gathering with NONE of the hassle.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Remember to take some time to enjoy the little things.


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