Red, White, & Blue Flower Vases

I trust you are having a great day.  This little vase was inspired by Amy at Love To Crop.  Her beautiful sunshine yellow vase can be found by clicking here.  Thanks for the inspiration Amy.  I knew I had to make these for the 4th of July.  I love decorating for the seasons.  I think next year that I will get them out around Memorial Day and leave them through July.  I chose artificial daisies so the water doesn't get spilled from the naughty cat getting on the table (just ask me how I learned this lesson).

I found these round place mats at Walmart.  I only use tablecloths or place mats for very special occasions, but I almost always have a table runner.  I decided to use the place mats for a runner.  I like the effect.

You will find complete directions on the video.  Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to check back soon for more projects and ideas.

I am linking this project to the following challenges:


Aim said…
Oh, Cheri, I love, love, LOVE your beautiful bottle vase!! Now I want some for the 4th of July too!! :) Thank you SO much for sharing this and the wonderful shout out to me -- You made my heart SMILE this morning!! :)

Have a wonderful holiday, my friend!! :)

Amy :) at
Aim said…
PS... My computer wasn't cooperating for your video at first, but now it is -- I always get such a kick out of your videos :) I feel like I'm right there with ya!! You are the best!! :)

Amy :) at
Lisa said…
What a gorgeous, patriotic vase, Cheri!! Love it!! Hope you are having a great weekend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

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